Jan O'Sullivan

SkyLight (2022) Sold

31.5x31.5 in ~ Painting, Acrylic


Large original abstract cloudscape. Some built-up paint texture coupled with an array of colour hues produce a cloudscape full of depth and character. Grey, blue, pink, mustard,violet, blues, whites, black, greens, gold and yellow all make subtle appearances.

Commanding a large wall or space to occupy, this is still an artwork that will enjoy being studied, but will not dominate.

To achieve this painting I painted over a new storebought canvas print.The structure of the painting is sound, lightweight and has some fittings. Purchasing canvas surfaces in this way enables me to paint many works without a big outlay, and as such paint more freely.
Please reach out to me if you are interested in buying one of my originals, I am happy to negotiate so that my paintings go to their forever homes


Available as prints from $25.75

Reproductions, Canvas prints, Metal Print

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